The company "Wytwarzanie Artykułów z Tworzyw Sztucznych i Zabawkarstwo - Danuta Pawłowska" was established 20 years ago. It offers wide range of flower pots, trays, balcony cases, garden fences, wall-hanging pots, hanging pots and planters shaped as shells or diamond. The company’s products designs are registered in Pattern Department of Poland. All the assortment is produced in various colours: white, brown, terracotta, orange, blue, yellow, green, light green, burgundy, red, navy blue, pistachio, light blue, light yellow, pink, violet, gold. Our company has a sound technical infrastructure and machine stock, that ensures completion of orders on time and high quality of products. We export our products to many European countries: Germany, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine. We also offer cooperation in manufacturing plastic products. We are looking forward to doing business with you.
Pot manufacturer